June 4, Doug Fakkema
1 Thessalonians 5:12-24, “A Prayer and a Promise”
Sermon outline:
Gospel in Thessalonica 5.12-24 2023.06.04
Sermon notes with help from J. C. Ryle and John Piper:
Gospel in Thessalonica 5.12-24 2023.06.04
Sermon audio:
May 28, Doug Fakkema
1 Thessalonians 5:1-11, “About Times and Dates”
Sermon outline:
Gospel in Thessalonica 5.1-11 2023.05.28
Sermon notes:
Gospel in Thessalonica 5.1-11 2023.05.28
Sermon audio:
May 7, Doug Fakkema
1 Thessalonians 4:1-12, “God’s Will in Five Words”
Sermon outline:
Gospel in Thessalonica 4.1-12 2023.05.07
Sermon notes:
Gospel in Thessalonica 4.1-12 2023.05.07
Sermon audio:
April 30, Doug Fakkema
1 Thessalonians 3:11-13, “Each Other and Everyone Else”
Sermon notes:
Gospel in Thessalonica 3.12-13 2023.04.30
No sermon audio this week.
April 23, Pastor Doug Fakkema
1 Thessalonians 2:1-16, “The Gospel from the Heart”
Sermon outline:
Gospel in Thessalonica 2.1-16 2023.04.23
Sermon notes with help from Spurgeon and Alexander Maclaren:
Gospel in Thessalonica 2.1-16 2023.04.23
Sermon audio:
April 16, Pastor Doug Fakkema
1 Thessalonians 1:1-10, “The Gospel and Its Benefits”
Sermon outline:
Gospel in Thessalonica 1.3-10 2023.04.16
Sermon notes:
Gospel in Thessalonica 1.3-10 2023.04.16
Sermon audio (message begins after several seconds):