Reading for week of November 27
Reading this week: The Sermon on the Level Place
Romans 12, like the book of James, is really a commentary on Jesus’ teaching, particularly the Sermon on the Mount. This week we will look at Luke’s version which is even more convicting than in Matthew.
Monday: Luke 6:12-19, Disciples, crowds and the multitude
Luke mentions three groups who heard Jesus’ teaching: his disciples, his crowd of serious followers, and the multitude of Jews and Gentiles. It’s really hard to preach to this diverse crowd. With which group do you identify? What word from Jesus are you hoping to hear from the “level place”?
Tuesday: Luke 6:20-26, Blessings and Woes
These blessings and woes both end with a look back at the prophets: persecution is a sign of the true prophet, the world’s blessing is a sign of the false prophet. How are you experiencing the blessing of persecution and the woe of the world’s blessing?
Wednesday: Luke 6:27-36, The Golden Rule
Loving enemies is never easy. What enemy has been especially difficult for you to love? How has God’s mercy helped you build your Golden Rule discipline?
Thursday: Luke 6:37-42, Judging and being judged
I love the picture of forgiveness running over into my lap! How has being forgiven changed the way you look at others’ faults? What “log” are you working on today?
Friday: Luke 6:43-49, Hearing and Doing
Have you noticed how fruit and wisdom go together? In these two parables, Jesus makes “good” both a matter of fruit and of obedience. What fruit are you preparing for right now?
Saturday: Luke 7:1-10, Finding real faith
Even after preaching to the crowds, Jesus still had to look elsewhere for faith. How does a Roman centurion have more faith than Israel? Where have you found the faith for which Jesus is looking?