Reading this week: God’s Glory in the Psalms
In these Psalms, our attention is turned towards God’s glory, the “weight” of attributes, in almost every stanza. Sometimes we are invited to stand in awe, and at other times we are invited to share in the honor of God’s glory.
Monday: Psalm 8, Crowned with glory and honor
In this Psalm our gaze is directed upward to the heavens and sideward to our neighbor as we see God’s glory exposed. How is God’s glory being displayed in your life?
Tuesday: Psalm 24, The King of Glory
This traditional Reformation Psalm invites us into a corporate experience of God’s glory as we enter his “holy place”. There is an incredible blessing the one who is prepared to ascend into God’s presence. What are doing to prepare to enter into God’s presence daily? weekly? eternally?
Wednesday: Psalm 66, Sing and shout the glory of God’s name
We are invited to join creation in exalting the glory of God even we are led through “fire and water” – always with the promise of God’s abundance (see 66:12). When did you last praise God even in the presence of troubles?
Thursday: Psalm 108, Glory covering “all the earth”
This Psalm is both praise and a prayer as David reflects on God’s faithfulness. Where have you most powerfully observed God’s glory being revealed on, or his kingdom breaking into, this earth?
Friday: Psalm 34, Glorify the Lord with me
This is another Psalm celebrating the glory of God’s presence. How have you experienced the wonderful promise that God hears and saves even the poor man? When did God make this promise real in your life?
Saturday: Psalm 149, The glory of all the saints
Our glory, and God’s delight, is to see his will being expressed through his people. God really takes delight (see 149:4) in us! When have you felt this delight of God? How have you “inflicted vengeance” on the work of Satan in the world?