November 14, Pastor Doug Fakkema
Psalm 119, Good Fences . . . .
Sermon outline:
Meeting God in Psalm 119 2021.11.14
Sermon notes:
Meeting God in Psalm 119 2021.11.14
Sermon audio:
November 7, Pastor Doug Fakkema
Psalm 9, The Righteous Love of God
Sermon outline:
Meeting God in the Psalm 9 2021.11.07
Sermon notes:
Meeting God in the Psalm 9 2021.11.07
Sermon audio:
October 31, Service of Word and Sacrament, Pastor Doug Fakkema
Psalm 118, Luther’s Favorite Psalm
Sermon notes:
Meeting God in the Psalms Psalm 118 2021.10.31
Service of Word and Sacrament
21.10.31 Service of Word and Sacrament
October 25, Pastor Doug Fakkema
Psalm 91, Finding My Hiding Place
Sermon outline:
Meeting God in the Psalms Psalm 91 2021.10.24
Sermon notes, including Spurgeon and Pastor Elly Achok Olare:
Meeting God in the Psalms Psalm 91 2021.10.24
Sermon audio:
October 17, Pastor Doug Fakkema
Psalm 73, When My Heart Fails
Sermon outline:
Meeting God in the Psalms Psalm 73 2021.10.17
Sermon notes, including Spurgeon and Piper sermons:
Meeting God in the Psalms Psalm 73 2021.10.17
Sermon audio:
October 10, Pastor Doug Fakkema
Psalm 87, When God Visits His City
Sermon outline:
Meeting God in the Psalms Psalm 87 2021.10.10
Sermon notes:
Meeting God in the Psalms Psalm 87 2021.10.10
Sermon audio:
October 3, Pastor Doug Fakkema
Psalm 109, When God’s Mercy Is Good
Sermon outline:
Meeting God in the Psalms Psalm 109 2021.10.03
Sermon audio:
Bible Project poster: