Resurrection Sunday, April 4, Pastor Doug Fakkema
John 20:1-18, “Standing at the Empty Tomb”
Sermon outline:
John 20.1-10 Standing at an Empty Tomb 2021.04.04
Sermon notes:
John 20.1-10 Standing at an Empty Tomb 2021.04.04
Sermon audio:
Good Friday, April 2, Pastor Doug Fakkema
John 18-19
Good Friday service
2021.03.31 Good Friday service
Good Friday audio:
Palm Sunday, March 28, Pastor Doug Fakkema
John 12:9-17, “Do You Know The King?”
Sermon outline:
John 12 Do You Know the King 2021.03.28
Sermon notes (includes Spurgeon, Deffinbaugh and Ryle pieces):
John 12 Do You Know the King 2021.03.28
Sermon audio: