Reading this week: Abraham, the father of our faith
This week, readings will focus on the Abraham’s faith lessons. Watch especially for how Abraham’s faith is a model for how we follow God. How does our confidence in salvation by faith alone lead us to a risk taking obedience like Abraham?
Monday: Galatians 3:1-14, God would justify us Gentiles by faith
This passage ties Abraham’s Genesis 12:1-3 blessing to our justification. How have you seen Abraham’s blessing in your life this year? How confident are you that it is by faith alone you make that blessing yours?
Tuesday: Hebrews 11:1-12, Being sure of what we hope for
To what new place is God calling you? How does living as a “stranger in a foreign country” where you are right now challenge and grow your faith? What are you most looking forward to in your permanent home?
Wednesday: Genesis 12:1-9, When faith means “leave”
Sometimes a step of faith is how God separates us from our old lives. To what step of faith is God calling you? How are God’s promises taking the blinders off what otherwise could be a blind leap of faith?
Thursday: John 8:31-37, Children of Abraham or children of the devil
Jesus listeners could not discern their own slavery, so they weren’t really living as Abraham’s children. To what new experience of freedom as a child of Abraham is God pointing you?
Friday: Galatians 4:21-31, The lesson from Abraham’s two children
The children represent the two covenants, law and grace. How have you experienced the family blessings of being a “child of Sarah”? What “family traits” are you working on this week?
Saturday: James 2:14-26, Abraham’s righteousness and my righteousness
Faith alone, but never faith by itself! When were you most aware that it was Jesus’ righteousness that your faith was revealing? How are you celebrating today being called a “friend of God”?