Reading this week: Faith and more faith!
In these passages, God speaks of our part in the mystery of faith.
Monday: Romans 1:1-17, Faith and the Gospel
From the “obedience that comes from faith” to the way the righteous live, faith and the gospel are inextricably linked. How is your faith bringing the gospel alive in your life? Whose faith are you encouraging (see 1:11-12)?
Tuesday: Malachi 1-5; 2:10-16, Do not break faith
God isn’t the only one whose faithfulness matters. What do you think is the 21st Century equivalent of Judah’s broken faith? What promises is God asking you to keep?
Wednesday: Matthew 9, Stories about faith
The paralytic’s friends, an unnamed woman and two blind men experience the blessings of faith. How are your experiences of faith reflected in their stories? How is your faith different than their faith? Why were the Pharisees so offended by Jesus’ response to this faith? Why does Matthew end this story with “the harvest is plentiful”? What is your role in harvest?
Thursday: Acts 14:8-28, Faith in Lystra and Derbe (and Anacortes)
This story shows how the “door of faith” was opened to the Gentiles. What consequences in Lystra did Paul face for responding to the crippled man’s faith? What persecution have you faced? How have you been encouraged to “remain true to the faith” (see 14:22)? How do you see God opening the door to faith here in Anacortes?
Friday: Hebrews 10:39-12:3, The history of faith
Yes, we are “of those who believe and are saved!” All these “Faith Hall of Fame” members only could look forward to the perfection of his or her faith? How have you experienced the perfection of your faith through Jesus?
Saturday: 2 Peter 1:3-11, Adding to our faith
One challenge of the Christian life is to keep our faith growing. Which of these links in your calling (from faith to brotherly love) are you adding today? How has this made you a more productive follower of Jesus?