Why I Need Christmas
Getting theological about the incarnation
They call it the season of giving. But those of us who know Christmas best know that it’s really about getting – those who’ve waited for the Sears catalog, those who write their letters to the North Pole (Charlie Brown’s sister wanted hers in 10’s and 20’s) and my Aunt Marilyn who has turned dropping hints into an art form. Only making sure everyone gets he wants can explain the advertising that begins sometime between the Fourth of July and Labor Day.
There is a different kind of getting around Christmas. Not getting what I want, but getting what I need. This isn’t socks or a toaster. This is getting what I really need this Christmas. And I need a gift that shows me again God’s great plan and provision for my eternal destiny. A gift like this requires an incredible giver:
4 But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, 5 to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons. [Galatians 4:4-5]
In the Old Testament, God hints at what this Christmas gift will be like. His gift will be a priest like Melchizedek, a head like Adam, a prophet like Moses, a substitute like the Passover lamb and a father like Abraham. Yes, that does sound like an Advent sermon series. So because I hate waiting to open my presents, I’ll be opening God’s gift little by little, Old Testament picture by old Testament picture.
This Christmas, make certain you get what you really need. It’s even easier than ordering out of the Sears catalog.
Keep the Christmas faith, Pastor Doug Fakkema, Anacortes CRC